Create your own user feedback survey
Step 2
Q 1 Age,Gender,Occupation: most of my respondents were students around the ages of 17-19 as well as having an even distribution of Male and female, with the ages it got responses from reflects the target audience we were going for.
Q 3 Genre: the genre feedback for this Esting is that it is of a comedical style This was the intended purpose for the animation due to his comedical actions whilst falling so the audience was correct in genre
Q 4 Was the narrative clear?: The answers of this question were very equal of people understanding the narrative and not understanding. to me the narrative isn't too clear and that understandable like why would he be jumping? why would he be doing stupid stuff? is this man okay?
Q 5 Age: for this question the majority answers were that it was aimed at 10-12 years which isn't what our audience was planned to be it was planned to be for young adults.
Q 6 Style of animation: Everyone responded to the questionnaire saying that this is a stop motion animation which is good because it is and that what the brief asked for.
Q 7 Character choice: the choice for character was well liked by the audience except for 2 responses one reporting we need an authoritative figure. The fact they enjoyed the character was good
Q 8 Animation smoothness: This question was met with responses that were Evenly halved. Personally i believe it didn't run very smooth as there were a lot of frames in which the character jumped forward great distances.
Q 9 Aesthetics: For the aesthetics the color choices were praised a fair bit as well as the ending where the character fell into the logo. On the comments about colors one answer said they liked how the color was consistent throughout the whole animation. I think the color scheme is basic and that gives it quite a comic tone with having bright colors.
Q 10 Creativity: For the creativity of the animation the falling was commented on a lot. I think that creating a entirely impossible action and something that could be viewed as quite dark into something comedical and entertaining as well as being possible to do.
Step 3:
In creating our animation we faced some financial difficulties by having to purchase wallpapers. as can be seen on the finance sheet so we solved this by receiving some funding from the college. as well as some safety issues when we filmed the first section on the roof we worked around this by stabilizing the tables and risk assessing before hand.
We were very efficient with our time, filming was completed in about two hours and editing was very quick. we had to re shoot as well due to the footage not being long enough but even then that was filmed quite quickly in about an hour.
The requirements of the brief were met as well as the requirements of the competitions (As can be seen below) . as we were tasked to create a stop motion animation that has a length of about 10 seconds and we managed to create that and these were all in the guidelines of the competition rules as well as using the competitions specified music if the music isn't used as they specified then it can't be submitted to the competition.
I obtained feedback from friends and family some of them responded positive but they mostly had constructive criticism especially concerning fluidity of animation and change of the characters clothing.
I feel from this animation task that it's much harder than it seems and sometimes ideas just don't work when you put them into action yet some do such as my animation Because it originally had a much shorter middle section however we created more ideas and made it longer but some ideas were cut from the final version. for example we were gonna have a second person but didn't due to time constraints.
I think i could quite easily work to all briefs given as long as they are written well because as i have just shown in this unit i am fully capable of doing so
I do not like shooting animation so continuing it in the future isn't really something i would want to do as i think it's quite boring and takes way too long to film for the things you create however claymation does slightly interest me
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