Friday, 20 October 2017

Research and Planning: Designing an ESting

For the selection of format i have decided to create a E-sting using stop frame animation with humans. This is because would be very fitting with last Estings and it could have very comedic value if it is done correctly.

The E-sting will be a person falling from a building but as he falls things will happen (drinking tea. Playing a instrument etc.) and when he lands, he lands on the E4 logo. using a realistic looking wallpaper it gives a home made feel to the animation whilst giving the illusion that the character is falling.

The animation will be set on top of a building and as he falls the building will always be seen on the side of the screen.

The issues we may face is getting some brick wallpaper to go on the edge for the building will be a cost we must pay. a green screen was a suggestion but I do not think it would be as aesthetically pleasing as the wallpaper.

Audience: Young adults, both genders, comedic. C2DE classed. Their interests would be probably in  using social media, spending time with friends, watching films/TV. A genre of film that they would possibly like would be comedy, hence why our ESting is a comedy so it appeals to the audience.

We require the usage of designated Esting soundtracks because that's what the brief requires and if they aren't used then we aren't allowed to enter the competitions. we have selected one of the jazz pieces because it was the most comedic of all of the music pieces.

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